Flame Event Rentals Policies

Rental Rates

Rental rates are determined by the individual item being rented and are for a specific period of time that differs from item to item. Please refer to the item’s information page for specific details. Many of our items are very specialized and only rent for a specific number of hours and other items we allow you to use for the entire weekend. All rental items can be rented for a longer period of time, please ask one of our rental agents for a quotation. For those items bing picked up and returned by the customer, if you need to pickup and return the day before and the day after your event, just ask your rental agent and we will be glad to accommodate your request.


A 50% deposit is due at the time of reservation. A credit card is required to hold any order unless the customer has established an event industry charge account. Cancellation of a reservation must occur 72 hours before the delivery date to prevent a 50% cancellation fee.

Reservation Cancellations:

Customer is responsible for a 50% cancellation fee (or forfeit of rental deposit) for all reservations canceled less than 72 hours before delivery, and 100% cancellation fee for all reservations canceled less than 24 hours before delivery.

Damage Waiver:

A damage waiver is available for an additional service charge. When purchased, Outdora Events will waive charges for accidental breakage or damage of certain items. Not all rental items have a protection plan available, please inquire at time of reservation. The damage waiver is optional, in the event the customer declines the damage waiver, the customer will be charged the retail replacement cost of all damaged or broken items returned. Damaged or broken items must be returned to Outdora Events to receive damage waiver credit. Gross negligence on the part of the customer will void the damage waiver agreement.

Delivery and Retrieval:

Delivery charges are based on delivery zone distance, the time required for the delivery and setup, and the item rented. Some, but not all, rental items are available for customer pick up, please inquire at time of reservation if you are planning to pick up and return the rent item(s) yourself. All delivery charges are calculated for delivery and retrieval, there are no discounts for oneway transport of rented items.

Our delivery vehicles utilize trailers, please insure the delivery staff will have access to your venue area. For narrow or limited venue accessibility, please contact Outdora Events at (707) 931-0148 to discuss delivery options or special instructions.

Customer Responsibility and Liability:

The customer is responsible and liable for all damages in possession equipment, accessories, and tools may receive once the rental items have been delivered and accepted by the customer. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure all rented items are inspected, any previous damage noted, and the items are securely stored and protected from vandalism, weather and/or other elements of nature. Items damaged due to unsecured or unprotected storage will be considered gross negligence and will void the damage waiver if purchased and the customer will be responsible for the full retail replacement cost of the item(s).